By the Light of the Moon

“Stated Communications of this Lodge shall be held on Wednesday of the week in each month in which the moon is full.”
Article I, Section 3 of Accacia Lodge No. 51 Bylaws. Adopted on Christmas Day, 1865.
Accacia Lodge holds its Stated Communications (i.e. Regular Meetings) on the Tuesday closest to the Full Moon, thus we are known as a “Moon Lodge.” At the time of the lodge founding, this was for a two-fold purpose: One was for the benefit of those who did not have calendars and could tell when Lodge was to meet by watching the waxing of the moon. The second was that on most lodge nights they would be aided in their travel to and from lodge by the light of a bright moon.
Even with the addition of paved roads, street lights, automobiles, day planners and GPS, this is a custom the lodge has continued to this day.



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